Why MATCH Works

Teach developed, Student centered, Administrator friendly, Tiered accountability, Conceptual structure, and Data driven!


MATCH Wellness uses an interdisciplinary, multi-modal educational structure with personalized assessments and metrics to reduce childhood obesity.

MATCH Computer Class
MATCH students engaged in taking their online
SEAT Survey to assess health behaviors
"In summary, our search1 found that your paper in Childhood Obesity last year is the only published US school-based pediatric obesity intervention project that shows beneficial long-term data beyond one year..."

- Y. Sammy Choi, M.D. - Chief, Department of Clinical Investigation, Department of the Army, Womack Army Medical Center
1Combating Childhood Obesity with an Integrated School Curriculum. Choi, YS and Goldstein, MG.Journal of Obesity and Overweight. Volume 1, Issue 2. 2015

Teacher Developed

Developed by a teacher, for teachers!

MATCH Wellness was developed by a teacher, for teachers. Designed to save time while meeting course objectives, 94% of teachers surveyed indicate they would teach MATCH Wellness again.See how MATCH Wellness benefits teachers

Student Centered

Relevant, personalized lessons!

MATCH Wellness lessons and activities are more relevant to students than regular lessons- using their own data to set goals and build a knowledge-base for making healthy choices.See how MATCH Wellness benefits students

Administrator Friendly

Maximal oversight, minimal effort!

MATCH Wellness provides administrators all they need at a glance to monitor implementations, with easy to use filters to customize reports.See how MATCH Wellness benefits administrators

Tiered Accountability

Power and accountability across the responsibility chain!

MATCH Wellness employs "tiered accountability" for transparency for all aspects of implementation, providing oversight from start to finish.

Conceptual Structure

Based on science, backed by evidence!

MATCH Wellness is based on the most common accepted theories and models underlying behavior modification.See Conceptual Theories and Models


Find what works, then improve it!

The MATCH Wellness evidence-based behavior modification model is continually evolving as lessons learned are incorporated to improve health outcomes and user experience.


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Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
    9.00 - 20.00
  • Saturday
    10.00 - 16.00
  • Sunday
    9.30 - 18.00

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